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I love optimising stuff
Currently founding an insurance company #ThingsIThoughtIdNeverSay


The near-legendary @simonmcmanus should be here somewhere...
Damn, I love zooming in
res.render('home', {
    selectors: {
        'a': {
            href: '',
            title: 'yahoo',
            innerHTML: 'yahoo'
res.render('home', {
    selectors: {
        'ul#people': {
            partial: 'person',
            data: [
                { name: 'bob' },
                { name: 'anna' }
How to optimise this?
  1. Build DOM
  2. Inject placeholders
  3. Serialise, split on placeholders
compiledTemplate = [
	"<html><body> My name is <span class='name'>",
	"</span> </body></html>",
compiledTemplate.index = { "":0 };